Caring for those who are caring for others.

With Hometeam, seniors, their families, and your staff are better taken care of.

Why Partner

With Hometeam

  • Turnover rates for paid caregivers jumped to 77% in 2022 according to HCP. Paid caregivers are managing too much. Let Hometeam handle non-care tasks like medication management, scheduling appointments, planning meals, and more!

  • Family members are care decision makers: 72% of non-independent seniors say their families help with service and product purchasing. Provide these family members with an offering that helps them, too, differentiating your agency.

  • Happier families = happier patients. 71% of family caregivers monitor loved ones’ conditions so that care can be adjusted. Allow families to spend fewer late nights on admin tasks, and more time taking care of themselves and their loved ones.

Easy Family Onboarding

Step 1: Join Waitlist

Step 2: Tell Us More

Step 3: Give Us a Task!

Even Easier Support

Email, Text, Call

Families love Hometeam.

Enjoy Early Partner Benefits


    The first 30 days are on us! After that, Hometeam is charged to you on a per user per month basis OR at a group discount rate for a fixed allotment of support slots.


    You’ll be featured on Hometeam’s website and marketing materials: more potential clients will see your service. Should they ask for referrals, we’ll send them your way!


    As an early partner, Hometeam will generate a free case study for you. We’ll use our data to share valuable insights on how your agency can better attract and serve clients.

  • Be a part of changing the way care is delivered in the home. Better serve seniors, their families, and your caregivers with Hometeam.